Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tooth Fairy

This time, we've got a more general theme. Results time!


Tooth Fairy

DeAndre from the U.S.A. wins! So far, the U.S. has won the top spot on all 3 competitions so far! Let's take a look at the top 3:

Some nice variety this time! #1 is wildly different from it's closest competitors, though they all share the same hairstyle. Maybe it's the eyes that sets it apart?

Of the top 3, only the #1 spot is from a U.S. Artisan; Canada nabbed the #2 and #3 spots, respectively.

Any hope of a more split top 10 is squelched by the remaining 7 however; all U.S. Artisans, bringing the top 10's tally to eight U.S. Artisans, two Canadians.

Of the top 50, the U.S. yet again nabs the biggest haul with 42 of the top spots. Canada comes in second with four, followed close behind by Mexico at three, and Peru gets it's first day in the sun with one entrant in the top 50.

A pie chart of the top 50 results:

Yet again, only four countries made it into the top 50, and yet again the U.S. constitutes most of the top 50. However, both Canada and Mexico increased their vote shares to their best showings so far.

As always, hard data below. Later!

  • Top 10
  • 1. USA
  • 2. Canada
  • 3. Canada
  • 4. USA
  • 5. USA
  • 6. USA
  • 7. USA
  • 8. USA
  • 9. USA
  • 10. USA

  • Country Entrants and Entrant Rankings
  • Canada: 4 (2nd, 3rd, 25th, 33rd)
  • Mexico: 3 (17th, 24th, 41st)
  • Peru: 1 (22nd)
  • USA: 42 (everything else!)


Unknown said...

I'm kind of obsessed with the Check Mii Out channel and I just wanted to let you know I think this blog was an awesome idea, keep up the good work!

-Ryan Broom (Top 100 Mii Artisan)<-shameless self-advertisement

Matt_PDX said...

Hey ryan, thanks so much for the comment! Makes me glad to know someone is reading! =)

Oh, and congrats on being top 100!