Sunday, December 9, 2007


It's sure been a few days. I've really been looking forward to the results of this week's theme, too. Here we go!

Worldwide Contest:


Rorschach from the U.S.A wins! This makes the U.S. 4-0 for a total sweep of the #1 Mii's in all the contests so far. As always, here is our top 3!

Very nice top 3 this time. #1 has a very cool design on her forehead, but I can't shake the feeling that, personally, I kind of prefer #2. Ah well, good job to everyone who made the top fifty!

Of the top 3, while the U.S. takes the top spot, Japan nabs second and Italy gets third.

Of the top 10, the U.S. has the most wins with a very fractured 3 entries, Japan is close behind with 2, France also grabs 2, while Italy, Germany and Canada round it out. 6 countries made it into the top 10!

The top 50 reveals more of the interesting factoids. While the U.S. scores the most wins with 23 entries, they are 3 wins shy of a majority (26) for the very first time, and instead constitute a plurality only. Japan storms to a comeback with 7 wins, France grabs a strong 5 wins, Canada maintains it's quota from last round with 4 wins, Spain appears for the first time with a healthy 4 wins, Germany and the U.K. grab 2 wins, while Italy, Mexico and Australia all get 1 win.

For the first time, the non-U.S. countries collectively compromise a majority of the results, made possible by Spain's surprise showing, having never ranked before. Although not ranking particularly high (Spain's highest win was #27), it did well in the lower 25 entries. Italy, with only one win, also made it count by placing at #3. The only big loser here is Mexico, who barely clung on with just one win (though it was #23, so it made the top 25).

Considering that ALL other countries had never managed to even reach 25% of the total results, this is quite an upset! But, as someone from the U.S., I give three cheers to our friends from around the globe (especially Spain, I used to live there and love it!). Well done, everyone!

As a side note, I've finally placed a submission into the contest for the first time. It's for next week's contest, "The Biggest Bully!". I've never considered myself very adept at making Miis (I've only had my Wii for about 2 weeks), but we'll see how it goes. Hard data below, see ya next time!

  • Top 10
  • 1. USA
  • 2. Japan
  • 3. Italy
  • 4. Japan
  • 5. France
  • 6. France
  • 7. USA
  • 8. Germany
  • 9. Canada
  • 10. USA

  • Country Entrants and Entrant Rankings
  • Japan: 7 (2nd, 4th, 16th, 21st, 25th, 35th, 43rd)
  • France: 5 (5th, 6th, 20th, 29th, 41st)
  • Canada: 4 (9th, 11th, 34th, 38th)
  • Spain: 4 (27th, 39th, 44th, 49th)
  • Germany: 2 (8th, 26th)
  • UK: 2 (13th, 24th)
  • Italy: 1 (3rd)
  • Mexico: 1 (23rd)
  • Australia: 1 (28th)
  • USA: 23 (Everything else!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tooth Fairy

This time, we've got a more general theme. Results time!


Tooth Fairy

DeAndre from the U.S.A. wins! So far, the U.S. has won the top spot on all 3 competitions so far! Let's take a look at the top 3:

Some nice variety this time! #1 is wildly different from it's closest competitors, though they all share the same hairstyle. Maybe it's the eyes that sets it apart?

Of the top 3, only the #1 spot is from a U.S. Artisan; Canada nabbed the #2 and #3 spots, respectively.

Any hope of a more split top 10 is squelched by the remaining 7 however; all U.S. Artisans, bringing the top 10's tally to eight U.S. Artisans, two Canadians.

Of the top 50, the U.S. yet again nabs the biggest haul with 42 of the top spots. Canada comes in second with four, followed close behind by Mexico at three, and Peru gets it's first day in the sun with one entrant in the top 50.

A pie chart of the top 50 results:

Yet again, only four countries made it into the top 50, and yet again the U.S. constitutes most of the top 50. However, both Canada and Mexico increased their vote shares to their best showings so far.

As always, hard data below. Later!

  • Top 10
  • 1. USA
  • 2. Canada
  • 3. Canada
  • 4. USA
  • 5. USA
  • 6. USA
  • 7. USA
  • 8. USA
  • 9. USA
  • 10. USA

  • Country Entrants and Entrant Rankings
  • Canada: 4 (2nd, 3rd, 25th, 33rd)
  • Mexico: 3 (17th, 24th, 41st)
  • Peru: 1 (22nd)
  • USA: 42 (everything else!)

Pilgrim From The First Thanksgiving

Just in time for the start of the holidays, it's the next contest!


Pilgrim From The First Thanksgiving

Chad from the U.S.A. wins! Let's take a look at our top 3:

Nice to see a varied selection of top 3. They all have a really cool and unique look, but I guess the #1 winner gets extra points for his cool hat and facial expression.

Of the top 3, all three are from U.S. Artisans.

Of the top 10, all ten are from U.S. Artisans. Noticing a trend here?

Of the top 50, U.S. Artisans compromise a whopping 46 entries, almost a total monopoly. But, given the theme, I suppose it's not surprising. Canada sails in a distant second place with two entries, Mexico has one, and Colombia grabs it's first appearance on the board in 45th.

A pie chart of the top 50 results:

The U.S. storms to a super majority of the chart yet again, this time cracking the 90% mark! This competition definitely brought out some pretty unique-looking Mii's, but I'm still hoping to see a wider spread of countries in future results.

Hard data below. Later!

  • Top 10
  • 1. USA
  • 2. USA
  • 3. USA
  • 4. USA
  • 5. USA
  • 6. USA
  • 7. USA
  • 8. USA
  • 9. USA
  • 10. USA
  • Country Entrants and Entrant Rankings
  • Canada: 2 (25th, 46th)
  • Mexico: 1 (31st)
  • Colombia: 1 (45th)
  • USA: 46 (everything else!)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mario Without His Cap

Well, here we are. I'm not sure if anyone is even going to read this, but I'm probably doing this for myself more than anything. That's right, I have an insatiable and crippling nerdlove of statistics and pie charts, and this blog is just an outlet for that.

I tried to summarize the mission statement of this blog in the blurb above, but I'll reiterate here. Basically, I plan to follow the "Check Mii Out" channel on the Wii since its inception and document the results here. I'll post photos of the winning entries as well as compile data on the results, such as which country had the top-performing Artisans, and where they fell on the results board. So, without further ado, let's get down to it!

Worldwide Contest:

Mario Without His Cap

Wes from the U.S.A. wins! Let's take a look at the top 3 entries.

(Left to right: #1, #2, #3)

They're pretty similar, but overall it's easy to tell why #1 was the winning entry. The height, the eyebrows, and the mustache.

Of the top 3, the top two are from U.S. Artisans, and #3 is from an Artisan in Mexico.

Of the top 10, six are from U.S. Artisans. Mexico, France, Italy and Germany round out the rest of the top 10.

Of the top 50, thirty-eight entries are from U.S. Artisans. Mexico, Italy, Australia and Japan all have two entries in the top 50, which puts them in a four-way tie for a very distant second! France, Germany, Canada, and the UK all have one entry in the top 50 each, the latter two countries barely squeaking in with Canada's entry placing at 48th and the UK right at 50th.

A pie chart of the top 50 results:

Definitely a landslide! U.S. Artisans account for over three-quarters of of the results. Hopefully future competitions will be more multicultural. :)

Hard data below. See ya next time!

  • Top 10
  • 1. USA
  • 2. USA
  • 3. Mexico
  • 4. France
  • 5. Italy
  • 6. USA
  • 7. Germany
  • 8. USA
  • 9. USA
  • 10. USA
  • Country Entrants and Entrant Rankings
  • Mexico: 2 (3rd, 18th)
  • Italy: 2 (5th, 34th)
  • Australia: 2 (11th, 12th)
  • Japan: 2 (26th, 38th)
  • France: 1 (4th)
  • Germany: 1 (7th)
  • Canada: 1 (48th)
  • UK: 1 (50th)
  • USA: 38 (everything else!)